In the News
Read on for Arete’s top news stories.
Exciting Change for Arete
We’re thrilled to announce that, effective September 1, 2022, Shandy McLean has been named President of Arete.
Chambers Plan and Arete Partner to Address Isolation and Loneliness with New Hugr App
Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan® is excited to partner with Arete to bring more than 200,000 Canadians access to a leading-edge mental wellness app that’s designed to help people feel connected.
Covid-19: Staying in the Know
Stay on top of the lastest news and information surrounding COVID-19.
Articles for You
Find valuable articles designed to help you build resilience at work or home, or for your business.
Head Forward Podcast
Check out the latest from Arete’s Head Forward podcast that explores conversations with recognized experts about issues affecting our well-being to learn strategies to improve our mental health and wellness.
The Strength of Vulnerability at Work
Feel Connected with Hugr Authentic Connections
The Cure for Loneliness
Keep Talking
Each year, one in five Canadians faces an issue affecting mental health and well-being, but stigma keeps most from actively seeking treatment. We’ve collaborated with CTV Two for this series of videos featuring everyday Canadians who have faced and met the challenge of mental wellness issues.
We have one life to enjoy—start the conversation and keep talking.